
About My Work

It is from the outdoors that I derive much of my inspiration, being particularly drawn to conveying the experience and magic found deep in the mountains and desert. However, whether you are miles back in the wilderness or simply walking to your car early in the morning, there is astounding beauty and color everywhere if you slow down to observe it. It is easy to rush through life and miss these quiet everyday moments. Though I may focus on the experiences found far in nature, in my daily creative practice I try to bring out the simple beauty of day to day life. It is my hope that through interacting with my art, viewers may be inspired to slow down and have the world they experience everyday re-enchanted - whether it’s the hundred year old trees they pass on their daily commute or the view of the Tetons.


About Me

My mother often tells a story of how when I was three years old, I told her I would draw a picture everyday so that when I grew up, I would be an artist. And I stuck to that for years. With a father who was an US Air Force pilot, I was raised across much of the United States and abroad, moving year after year. Upon finishing high school, I did not pursue formal artistic training, believing the idea that it was impossible to make a living being creative. So I went to college and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Counseling, afterwards choosing to move to beautiful Jackson, WY. After a few years of stringing together ski bum jobs and never being able to shirk my creative itch, I decided to teach myself graphic design. It took some time, but I finally starting landing real design jobs and was able to turn my creative free time elsewhere.

In the fall of 2015, I fell in love with painting. I began putting time into developing as a painter, starting with acrylics, and eventually moving into watercolors. Over the next few years, I began getting shows around town and devoting more and more time to my art. It took twenty-seven years from my initial goal as a three year old, but in fall 2019 I made the jump to full time artist. Having spent a few years focusing on watercolors, in 2020 I shifted into oils and have been thoroughly enjoying the new medium.